Time and Method Study | How to Work Study Techniques can Optimize Production in the garments industry

Introduction: The work-study is generally conducted in two parts of industrial engineering. Method study and work measurement are these sectors. 

Method study is a technique used to understand how a job can (should) be done.  The logical recording and critical assessment of current and proposed operation techniques for developing and efficient techniques and reducing cost are carried out using methods studies.  Improved effectiveness is accomplished by enhanced design and design of the workplace, enhanced and efficient job procedures, efficient use of personnel, equipment and equipment as well as by usually better design or specification of the end product. 
In the clothing sector, some repetitive action can be decreased by method study, smoothing material flow and minimal backtracking.

 Time and Method Study | How to Work Study Techniques can Optimize Production  in the garments industry

Work measurements are used to determine how long it takes for efficient units of the physical and mental job to produce particular duties. The time study method is intended to assess how long the average employee takes to complete a job normally. The time study experience of the individual is an important variable because it can impact the entire manufacturing scheme, This is generally one of the main issues facing time studies. Motion study is intended to identify the best way to perform a repetitive task. Motion studies improve manufacturing techniques by measuring the distance you need to travel to work in a given period of time and how much you do it.

Time and motion studies jointly are used for logical and reasonable outcomes and the implementation of fresh working practices is best practiced.  The time change in the clothing sector is a must because the clothing is produced by the various machine operator.

How to work-study increases productivity: The Workstudy uses such techniques as method studies and work measurements in order to understand the potential for human labor in terms of the time spent performing the task, in order to simplify and make the task easier and more efficient.

Basically, Work-study follows this abbreviation "SRADIM":

(Select the job that should be studied)
(Record all types of work and process for analyzing the job)
(Analyzing all report and find out the positive and negative thing of the method)
(Develop the best way for doing the job efficiently)
(Applied the best method for perfect production)
(Maintain the method by gradually checking)

1. Select a particular job: Select a particular job that needs to develop by applying work-study. For example, suppose a new woven shirt is going to production, see it very carefully and find a difficult design of pocket should be a stitch that never working before in shirt manufacturing process in your company.

2. Record all data of existing method: Record all types of data of the existing process for analyzing. For example, record all the process, stitch, and the seam that applied to this existing pocket joining method. 

3. Analyzing and identifying the critical process of the new product: Analyzing the previous method and identify the difference between the new pocket and existing pocket. For example, find out the new pocket style joining process, stitch and seam type.

4. Developed a new machine layout:  From analyzing the whole report develop a new method or process for joining the new style pocket. So set up a new machine layout for production and start a pilot run. For example, set up a new machine layout by following;

  • Select the machine need for this operation one after another. (By Method study)
  • Estimated the average time for this job. (By Time Study)
  • Select the most perfect person for this job who do this job in a very short time with maintaining the best quality. (By Time Study)
  • Ensuring no bottleneck and smooth production. (By Motion Study)
5. Installing the newly developed method: After a successful pilot run, this method is installed in bulk production process. As a new method, training of worker is must need for the perfect job. 

6. Maintaining installed method: Maintaining this method by regular checking and ensuring no problem is created in the production line. if everything is ok the production will be increased.

This is how we increased garments productivity for a new style by applying work-study.

The clothing industry must work simplifying, designing work, and analyzing value techniques to improve production, reduce the costs of production, and produce products of the expected quality to survive in today's competitive business environment. Products must be produced in the shortest possible time with the least possible inputs without compromising on quality and waste of resources for the country's financial development. The work-study introduces unique dimensions of methods that assist generate products at quicker and cheaper costs.

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Time and Method Study | How to Work Study Techniques can Optimize Production in the garments industry  Time and Method Study | How to Work Study Techniques can Optimize Production  in the garments industry Reviewed by Mustaqim-Ul-Alam on July 05, 2019 Rating: 5
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