Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Final Quality Inspection in the garments industry

Introduction: Final quality inspection is the last activity performed before shipment. After complete the pre-final or lot pass inspection, this kind of inspection process commonly coordinated by the final quality controller (QC) before the shipment.  

Why the final inspection is important?
  • From buyer perception, the best quality product increases its brand value to the consumer. 
  • From the manufacturer's perception, the best quality product increases its industry reputation and creates opportunities to get more orders from the buyer.
The final quality inspection process is the passport for the garments shipment. The garments are shipped only If the inspected garments meet all requirements for the product during the inspection.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Final Quality Inspection  in the garments industry
Final Quality Inspection

Standard Operating Procedure of Final Inspection: How! the final quality inspector inspected the garments are given below;

Check the bulk production test report
Check Scanning report and packing list
Matching Purchase Order (PO) Sheet with product and cartoon
Select cartoons for inspection
Select garments for inspection
Check trims and accessories
Check garments appearance and measurements point
Check hurtful material 
Keep defect-free and defective garments in the right box
Make a report of the inspection 
Make a decision for the inspected garments

1. Check the bulk production test report: At the beginning of the inspection, we ensuring the bulk test report is pass or fail. If the report shows pass then we started the inspection procedure otherwise, the inspection is canceled by the final quality controller.

2. Check scanning report and packing list: Packing lists mean how many pieces garments are pack in the box and what is the ration of garments. Packing lists are made by following the PO sheet. Scanning report makes sure that every cartoon has the same amount of garments which was mention in the packing list.

3. Select cartoons for inspection: In a PO, There have many cartons. But we only select some of them by using cartons selection rules. Rules for selecting cartons;

The equation for cartons selection = √Total no. of cartons. If there are a total of 121 cartons, then selected cartons = √121 = 11 cartons.

If there have two or more garments size then we select a total of 11 cartons from different size cartons. Rules for size-wise cartons selection:

The rule of carton selection = (Sample carton quantity X Size carton Quantity )/(Total carton quantity) 

If there have a total of 121 cartons and S = 45, M = 35, L = 24, XL = 17 size cartons, then find the no. of cartons selected according to size from the total cartons.

For S size, selected cartons = (11 ×45)/121 = 4.09 ≅ 4 cartons.
For M size, selected cartons = (11 ×35)/121 = 3.18 ≅ 3 cartons.
For L size, selected cartons = (11 ×24)/121 = 2.18 ≅ 2 cartons.
For XL size, selected cartons = (11 ×17)/121 = 1.54 ≅ 2 cartons. 

Total selected inspection cartons = 4+3+2+2 = 11 cartons.

The cartons will be selected randomly and have to sign with a fixed marker. According to the PO sheet, the length, width, and height of the cartons should be measured by a validated measurement tape. Whether cartons boxes are breaking, swelling, wet, pushing, it has to be observed in a visual way. Using a sharp cutter to cut the cartons tape.

4. Select garments for inspection: For the size wise garments selection, we follow the AQL sample quantity. Here sample quantities are fixed according to the no. of total shipping garments. Rules for selecting garments;

Selected garments = (AQL sample quantity × per size quantity)/(Total quantity) 

If there have a total of 3000 garments and sample garments for this quantity are 32. Here size S = 1200, M = 800, L = 650, XL = 350 Pcs garments, then find the no. of garments selected according to size from the total garments.

For S size, selected garments = (32 ×1200)/3000 = 12.08 ≅ 12 Pcs.
For M size, selected garments = (32 ×800)/3000 = 8.53 ≅ 9 Pcs.
For L size, selected garments = (32 ×650)/3000 = 6.93 ≅ 7 Pcs.
For XL size, selected garments = (32 ×350)/3000 = 3.73 ≅ 4 Pcs.

Total selected inspection garments = 12+9+7+4 = 32 Pcs.

5. Check trims and accessories:  According to the master sample and BOM (Bill of Materials), all trims and accessories are checks to ensure no trims & accessories are missing in the garments production and packing. 

6. Check garments appearance and measurement point: The production garment's external structure, color, shape, and accessories function have to visually check with the master sampleCheck stitch strength and quality of the seam. 

Measure all measurement points with a validated measurement tape by the following measurement sheet. If we get any fundamental point measurement problem, we will take another 5 pcs garments and check that point of measurement for 5 pcs.

If we get the same measurement problem in 1 pcs from 5 pcs then PO will fail. But in the non-fundamental point of measurement,  there have 1 pcs garments allow and 2 pcs the same problem causes PO to fail.

7. Check hurtful material: Hurtful materials are those things that are hurtful or threat for end-user. It may be a broken needle or any defective functional trims that could hurt the user.

8. Keep defect-free and defective garments in the right box: After completing the full inspection, the pass garment put in the quality finish box or confirmation boxIf there any defects found during inspection time, the defect garments have to attach defect stickers to find easily. And finally, the defect garment put in the defect box or non-confirmation box.

9. Make a report and a decision for the inspection: At the last time of inspection, make a report and give a decision for the PO. If garments meet the requirement of the buyer quality and AQL, then the PO will pass and ready for shipment. But if it fails then offer again for re-inspection within one and two days.

The final quality inspection is very crucial. The final quality controller does it very carefully. Because, if any problem found in the store or end-user claim for anything, the manufacturer needs to give a discount for that PO. All the processes are the same for every buyer. But the AQL (Acceptable Quality Level) varies buyer to buyer.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Final Quality Inspection in the garments industry Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Final Quality Inspection  in the garments industry Reviewed by Mustaqim-Ul-Alam on March 31, 2020 Rating: 5
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