What is 5S lean manufacturing tools | 5S explanation | 5S examples | 5S Implementation in work place of apparel industry
Introduction of 5S: 5S is an easy tool for clean,
effective and secure organization of your workplace in order to boost the
productivity of your workplaces and visual management. You also offer a visual
workstation as well as a standardized operation that provides a stable basis
for all other enhancements via Lean Tools. One of the key factors for 5S is
that it makes difficulties immediately apparent.
The TOTAL Process Maintenance
(TPM) and the Toyota Manufacturing System (TPS) is the methodology behind 5S.
However, many of the individual aspects, for example, to create ergonomically and
efficient workstations owe their roots to people like Taylor for his work on'
Scientific Management' and the' Time and Motion Studies' by Frank Gilbreth.
5s explanation: 5S stands for Japanese words describing the
steps of the workplace organization. In parenthesis, English equivalent words
are shown;
- Seiri; Sort, Clearing, Classify.
- Seiton; Straighten, Simplify, Set in order, Configure.
- Seiso; Sweep, shine, Scrub, Clean and Check.
- Seiketsu; Standardize, stabilize, Conformity.
- Shitsuke; Sustain, self-discipline, custom, and practice.
The five-S methodologies help to remove items that are no
longer necessary (sort) from a workplace, Organize items to maximize flow and
efficiency (Straighten), clean up the area to identify problems more easily (Shine),
To maintain alignment with other areas, implement color codes and labels (Standardize),
develop behaviors that organize the workplace in the long run (Sustain).
- Take away unused items–obsolete materials, broken devices, redundant machinery, computer files, measurements that you no longer use.
- Enquire employees to tag all items they don't believe to be necessary–this enhances awareness of need and use.
- To help with determining whether it should be deleted, categorize all materials and equipment by use frequency–place' Red Tag' on materials to be withdrawn.
- Set up the' holding area' for items that are hard to classify-keep the item for the period to allow others to be reviewed not by the 5S team.
2. Straighten (seiton): Practice of orderly storage to make it easy for everyone to access the appropriate item efficiently picked (without waste) at the right time. It's a place for all and everything. For examples;
- Identify and assign a location for all the necessary materials for your work.
- Set fixed locations and fixed quantities to be assigned.
- Compact this.
- Position heavy items at an elevation from which they can be chosen easily.
- Determine how to put things off and comply with the rules.
3. Shine (Seiso): Creating a clean workplace without trash, dirt, and dust can easier identify problems (leaks, discharge, excessive damage, etc.). For examples;
- Identifying and correcting root causes of dirt.
- Just one job at any time in the workplace.
- Maintain the clean tools and equipment in the best condition and always ready to be used.
- The daily activity should be cleanliness–five minutes a day, at least.
- A table shows that action or review took place, using signatures/initials.
- Make sure the light is right–dirt and dust may be difficult to see.
4. Standardize (seiketsu): Standardization by means of' visual management,' in a nice, clean, working place. For examples;
- Clear management abnormalities.
- Maintain alignment of each region.
- Standards simplify moving employees to different areas.
- Develop processes for maintaining the standard with defined responsibilities and roles.
- Easily identify the status of normal and abnormal situations for all–place pictures on the walls and visual reminder.
5. Sustaining (shitsuke): The use of behaviors and practices to maintain long-term established standards and to make the organization work the key to the success of the process. For examples;
- The hardest phase is to sustain–many of them are not achieving this objective.
- Creating and maintaining responsibilities–a commitment of leadership to fulfill.
- All of them adhere to the rules and make it a habit.
- Everyone is involved in developing good habits and buy-in.
- Revisions and audits on a regular basis.
- Get to the root of the problems.
- The goal is to improve 5S levels continually.
Now, 5S has two more "S" for "Safety" in points 6 and "S" in points 7, "Safety." These two new issues are aimed at making all employees safe at work. It is the task of the employer to ensure safety and security both for the factory and office in the clothing industry.
You must follow the following steps to implement 5S in Apparel Industry:
- Should have a central committee of 5S and a wise subcommittee of the section.
- 5S list of organograms and boards as included.
- For a Committee, make a separate T-Shirt.
- Carry out 5s housekeeping training and drive.
- Section wise checklist for 5S.
- In each section, the 5S display board.
- Operate and submit a report on Section wise 5S audit.
- Assess the score and take corrective measures to improve each department.
Actions need to be implemented 5S in Garments Industry:
- Take pictures of "before."
- Make sure the first three Ss are properly implemented.
- All team activity documents/checklists on a 5S board should be shown publicly.
- Create regular and systemic routines and standard practices.
- The first three S's repeating. Standardize procedures for red tags and rules of holding areas (see Seiri).
- Establish a housekeeping maintenance system.
- A special team (including senior management), will continue regular inspection/audit and assessment.
- Any praise or commendation of good practices or good performers is no criticism of poor cases.
- Set a timetable for workplace clearance. It is common to ask a multi-functional team to do this.
- Competition between departments is an effective means to sustain and increase the interest in 5S.
- Assign responsibility for a working area and machinery to individuals.
- Take pictures and post on 5S boards afterward. Take pictures. Give the highest markup reward.
Benefits of 5S implementation: You can achieve the following benefits if you follow 5S correctly for your textile and clothing industry:
- health and safety are ensured.
- Quality improvement implementation basis.
- Increased productivity.
- Save time, cost and space for storage.
- Improving satisfaction of customers.
- Lower inventory time.
- Downtime reductions, waste.
- Good working environment. A good working environment.
- Display and labeling.
- Accident and error reduction.
- Enhances performance.
- It builds ownership of the workplace.
- Lean Procedures in the first step.
- The morale boost.
- Enhance the image of the company.
- Optimize the company and the workplace as required.
- The SOP is the standard visual procedure and the wise routine work schedule.
5S is an essential tool in the garment industry to establish a well-organized, clean and visually appealing workplace in Lean Manufacture. Therefore it is necessary to implement 5S in the garment industry.
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1. Clothing Production management-A.J.CHUTTER.
2. http://ordnur.com/textile/implementation-of-5s-in-apparel-industry.
3. http://leansixsigmadefinition.com/glossary/5s.
What is 5S lean manufacturing tools | 5S explanation | 5S examples | 5S Implementation in work place of apparel industry
Reviewed by Mustaqim-Ul-Alam
May 22, 2019