Process flow chart of Spinning | Process flow chart of carded yarn

Spinning is the process, which is used in the production of yarns or filament from fiber or from the chemical compound. Spinning is the first step to produce a textile product such as fabric, garments, home textile etc. In a spinning industry, several processes are done to produce yarn. There are also used some special machine for different processing purposes.

Process flow chart of Spinning | Process flow chart of carded yarn
Flowchart of Spinning

Flow chart of spinning with the different process:

         Input          →              Process             →           Output   
          Fiber            →       Bale Management     →              Bale
           Bale             →            Blow Room            →              Lap   
           Lap              →        Carding Machine      →     Carded Sliver   
   Carded Sliver    →        First Draw Frame      →     Drawn Sliver   
    Drawn Silver    →     Second Draw Frame    →      Drawn Sliver 
    Drawn Sliver    →  Simplex / Speed Frame  →          Roving            
        Roving           →            Ring Frame             →            Yarn   
          Yarn             →             Auto Coner             →     Yarn Package   

Process description of spinning:
  1. Bale Management: Fiber is collected from the cotton plant. After that, all the fiber are processed to remove different types of large dust like plant leaf, soil and other impurities from the fiber. Finally, fiber bale is made with weight ( 218 to 225 kg ) and sizes ( 1.400 X 0.53 X 0.69 m ). Generally, the bale is a compressed lint after ginning which is tied with wire.
  2. Blow Room: Blow room is the second step of spinning where the bale is opened and arrange one by one according to bale information for fiber mixing. In the bale, there is some information are recorded like color grade, weight ( 218 to 225 kg ), sizes ( 1.400 X 0.53 X 0.69 m ), batch number etc. The objective of this process produces the fiber lap.
  3. Carding / Carding Machine: The lap is supplied to the carding machine to produce carded sliver. The objective of this process to straight the fiber and remove the short fiber. 
  4. Draw Frame: Draw frame is the machine, where two or more carded sliver is drafted between 3 drafting roller to produce one drawn sliver. From this 3 roller, the last roller has more speed than the previous ( second ) roller and the second roller has more speed than the first roller. If there need more drafting second draw frame also used.
  5. Simplex / Speed Frame: The drawn sliver is processed into the simplex/speed frame to produce roving yarn which is little larger diameter than final yarn. The roving yarn is made without twist and its strength is very low. 
  6. Ring Frame: Ring frame machine is used to twist the roving yarn and produced the finished yarn. By this process, yarn gets good strength for twisting.
  7. Auto Coner: Basically, Auto coner is used for making different length and size cone package. After that yarn is ready for delivery and used.

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Process flow chart of Spinning | Process flow chart of carded yarn Process flow chart of Spinning | Process flow chart of carded yarn Reviewed by Mustaqim-Ul-Alam on February 10, 2019 Rating: 5
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