All abbreviations related to Textile Organizations | Abbreviations of different Textile Organization

The abbreviation is the short form of a full word. Some word is too big that's why this type of short form is used for easy writing and speaking. 

In the world, there is so many organization is working for the development of the textile sector and people used to mention them by short form or word. 

All abbreviations related to Textile Organizations | Abbreviations of different Textile Organization
Abbreviations of Textile Organization

Some abbreviation of the different textile organization is given below:

AAMA: American Apparels Manufacturing Association
AAMC: American Apparel Manufacturing Corporation
AAQC: American Association of Quality Control
AAQC: American Apparels Quality Control
ASQC: American Society for Quality Control
ASTM: American Society for Testing Materials
BATEXPO: Bangladesh Textile Exposition
BCCFA: Bangladesh Custom Clearing & Forwarding Agent
BCI: Bangladesh Commerce & Investment
BEPZA: Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Authority
BGMEA: Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers & Exporters Association
BGWUC: Bangladesh Garments Worker Unit Council
BJCP: Bangladesh Jute Cultivation Program
BJEC: Bangladesh Jute Export Corporation
BJMA: Bangladesh Jute Mills Association
BJMC: Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation
BKMEA: Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association
BS: British Standard
BTMA: Bangladesh Textile Mills Association
BTMC: Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation
ECM: European Common Market
EEC: European Economic Community
ECHR: European Commission on Human Rights
EPA: European Productivity Agency
EPB: Export Promotion Bureau
EPZ: Export Processing Zone
EU: European Union
FBCCI: Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industries
FMC: Federal Maritime Commission
FTC: Federal Trade Commission
IATA: International Air Transport Association
IC: Inspection Certification
ICB: Investment Corporation of Bangladesh
ICC: International Chamber of Commerce
ILO: International Labor Organization
KTA: Knitted Textile Association of America
MOC: Ministry of Commerce
MOT: Ministry of Textile
PT: Private Textile Industry
Sweden BL: Sweden Bill of Lading 
TCB: Trading Corporation of Bangladesh
TU: Trade Union
TUF: Technology Up gradation Fund
UNDP: United Nations Development Programme
UNEC: United Nation Economic and Development Commission
UNIDO: United Nation International Development Organization
UNITC: United Nations International trade center
WFTU: World Federation of Trade Unions
WRAP: World Wide Responsible Apparels Product
WTO: World Trade Organization

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All abbreviations related to Textile Organizations | Abbreviations of different Textile Organization All abbreviations related to Textile Organizations | Abbreviations of different Textile Organization Reviewed by Mustaqim-Ul-Alam on February 16, 2019 Rating: 5
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